Tips to save money on your homeowners insurance

Raise your deductible A deductible is the amount of money that you are responsible for paying toward an insured loss. The higher your deductible, the more money you can save on your premium, so if you can pay above the minimum $500 or $1,000 deductible, for example, you may reduce the cost of your homeowners […]

How Landlords Can Benefit from Requiring Renters Insurance

Renters insurance, typically seen as a safeguard for tenants, holds significant advantages for landlords as well. Surprisingly, by mandating renters insurance, landlords enhance their property protection while minimizing potential liabilities. Despite its numerous advantages, only a meager 37% of renters opt for insurance coverage, prompting many landlords to make it a requirement. Here’s a comprehensive look at why and how landlords can integrate renters insurance into their leasing agreements.

FAQ: Will my policy pay if someone steals things out of my car?

Will my policy pay if someone steals things out of my car? Your auto policy won’t. However, your homeowners’ or renters’ policy might pay if you have one of those policies. If you live with your parents, their homeowners or renters policy might cover the things in your car. If you don’t know if your […]