Tip: Take a Defensive Driving Course

Tip: Take a Defensive Driving Course. Take a Defensive Driving Course

How much you can save: $200 a year

Some insurance companies will allow you to take a safe-driving course to get a discount, although you’ll have to take it again every few years to keep the discount active. In Texas and Louisiana, for example, where insurance can cost more than $2000 per year, motorists can receive a 10 percent discount after taking a state-approved defensive driving course. (The course costs about $25 and can be taken online.) Many other states have similar programs, although prices vary widely.

Tips to save money on your homeowners insurance

Raise your deductible A deductible is the amount of money that you are responsible for paying toward an insured loss. The higher your deductible, the more money you can save on your premium, so if you can pay above the minimum $500 or $1,000 deductible, for example, you may reduce the cost of your homeowners […]

27 Reasons Why Your Car Insurance Is So High

Personal and Social Factors


Where you live can play a big role in how much you pay for car insurance.

Living in a place where car insurance repairs are more expensive or where there is a high likelihood of theft and vandalism also increases the cost of coverage. Additionally, living in a location prone to severe weather—such as flooding or hail—can contribute to higher car insurance rates.

Whether or not you live in a rural or urban area can also impact how much you pay for car insurance. That’s because the chances of